Dear Future Husband Part 2

A year and a half ago, I wrote a blog post titled “Dear Future Husband” it was a heartfelt letter to my future husband, but I hadn’t met him yet. Then, about a year ago, I started, but never finished, a blog post about how frustrated I was getting that I hadn’t met anyone. I was mad at God. All my friends were getting married, and I was still single. I closed my laptop with tears in my eyes, but little did I know that God was working. Just a short month later, I met Jonah. Jonah was a new leader at Young Life and started coming to club every Monday night. Throughout the next couple of weeks, we became close friends. We shared similar values and the same love for God, but we had very different interests! He curses like a sailor, he loves heavy metal and punk music, and I like anything pink, girly, and non-confrontational. But nonetheless, we continued our friendship. We have a crazy story and if you want to hear more, read my last post!

Two weeks ago, we were going through some hard things together. There was lots of tears and confusion, but also lots of prayer. I had no idea what God was doing, but I knew He was up to something. After all the prayer and conversation, we knew what the next step was. However, I didn’t know that it was coming two days later! On Monday February 24, Jonah gathered our family at the Young Life center and asked me to be his wife! I was so happy and crying A LOT!

So here we are. A letter to my future husband, Jonah.


Dear Jonah,

I am so ecstatic to be your wife!! You have shown me so many sides of the world that I never knew existed. You continue to help me grow in new ways and to expand my knowledge of God and the world. When I wrote the first part of this blog, I was single. I had a longing in my heart that I needed filled so badly. I was reluctant to post it, but I did anyway. When I showed you my blogs after we became friends, you pointed that one out. I remember you specifically telling me that it was your favorite one. I was so unsure of starting a relationship with you. There a lot of factors that made it seem like it wasn’t going to work, but I am so so happy that it did! I will never ever forget the day you called me while I was at camp and we talked for hours about God and baptism and life and then you asked me to be yours. The way we joke and know that life should never be taken so seriously makes my heart smile! You know exactly what to say when I’m feeling anxious. The first time you saw me have a panic attack, you just sat there and rubbed my back until I was better. You know that Friends is the show that I watch when I’m sick, that when I have a headache I need peppermint oil and low lights, you know that thrift stores are my happy place and let me go for hours even though you don’t love it. I could go on and on about all the things you do for me and know about me, but this would be way too long! The day you got on one knee, gave me grandmother’s ring, and asked me to your wife was the happiest day of my entire life! I’m just so so thankful for everything you do for me and the way you love me.


You will always be the one that I choose. Every day, without a doubt. I can’t wait to build a life with you!

I love you, Jonah.



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